Wednesday, 2 November 2016

inspire and flourish linky

This right here is my fledgling attempt at participating in a linky, I'm not entirely sure on the rules and regulations of a linky so I'm just; like most things I do, winging it (life, eyeliner, parenting) The lovely gorgeousgeorgesmama was good enough to include me in hers so here I am attempting to continue in the love sharing.

If you're a new reader; I'm something of a novice blogger more of a professional ranter (it so IS a word!) I don't get as much time as I'd like to participate in said blogging/ranting (or sadly reading other people's) as a result my blog is nowhere near as fancy as some of the utter beauties I've come across on my travels. 

MY blog much like myself as a parent is slightly worn, constantly exhausted, and ever so slightly out of shape but that's ok because all my energies are taken up by my full time job; impersonating (poorly) a superhero (parenting) with 8 arms (why aren't there more arachnid superheroes?!) As I myself spend my entire life running around after what seems like 500 children, a man and a cat whilst caring for my young son who has 4 limbed cerebral palsy, for want of a better description; Caring gives the impression I'm looking after someone that is ill in bed, when in fact it feels more like being a weight lifting cbeebies presenter who moonlights as a personal assistant with a nursing degree with a side-line in pharmaceuticals, so the last thing I want when I sit down (haha I jest, I mean read on my phone (that I incidentally smashed to smithereens last week whilst balancing it vicariously on the kitchen side on top of a sugar tin attempting to read a recipe) whilst running around like a blue arsed fly) for a little bit of light entertainment is endless blogs by people that are pretending that everything is here is a list of parents who are keeping shit real! enjoy:

Firstly I'd like to properly introduce the lovely lady that was good enough to include me in this linky gorgeousgeorgesmama who is a fellow stay at home Mum and her blog, particularly her post confession of a proverbial fuck up which is a post I think many/most...if not all stay at home parents can relate to, and I'd like to take this opportunity to apologise for my tardiness in participating in said linky and also to reassure her that if she is a fuck up then so am I! PS. Care bear rock!

I'd also like you to meet the wonderful creator of said linky The less refined mind and her linky who incidentally I would have included whether or not she had taken it upon herself to give life to this linky. As I really enjoy her blog I find her refreshingly honest and wonderfully articulate.To the mother whose autistic child couldn't behave is a brave and completely honest post and as someone that has autism and disabilities in general intrinsically woven into her daily life I just wanted to include it, also I utterly adored this post I dislike other people's children you and me both! (hopefully I've done your linky justice.)

Meet the lovely part time working Mummy who is truly a woman after my own heart in her realism and blatent honesty, I particularly enjoyed her post We're all the same but in all honesty she has me in stitches on a daily basis and so eloquently deals with the issue of Mum guilt! (we all have it! whether we are stay at home or working, promote breast or bottle, are tea total or functioning alcoholic.

Hurrah for gin is already well on her way to world domination, and quite rightly so, this woman quite simply has parenting in a nut shell (with the help of stick men and copious amounts of gin) kids don't stop talking (2 of mine nagging me incessantly as we speak whilst I desperately try to finish this post.)

Queen Constance Hall almost needs no introduction, I have the hugest girl crush on this woman, in fact I nominate her for world leader 4 things that upset me that upset me when I first became a mum that I'm #nofucks about now just encapsulates what she is about.

I could go on to include many more parent bloggers that inspire me but it's seriously getting like lord of the flies up in here so peace out!

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